As you can see, this is not a shop page, it just offers useful information on how to use the online shop integrated in our website, namely the Releases page

Useful information

When you shop at trente oiseaux for the first time, you have to open an account that can be either a registered or a guest account. Your account has to be activated manually by us before you can add anything to your shopping cart. It works like this: we receive an email informing us of a new customer, we activate your account, and you receive an email informing you of the activation. Since this isn't an automated task, there may a little delay before your account is activated.

All net albums are in .wave format and can thus be written to CDR to become become a CD on your shelf as well as converted to whatever format required by your favorite listening device. The come with a printable cover in .pdf or .jpg format, and some of them with additional extras like full liner notes in .pdf format. The package constituting the download is packed into a .rar file. These can be unpacked using the free tools 7-Zip for Windows, UnRarX for MacOs, and Ubuntu/Debian Linux users can install Unrar ( sudo apt-get install unrar ). We have chosen .rar over the older .zip format because it is faster and offers better compressions ratios - one could arguably call it the up-and-coming compression format.

Ordering CDs from trente oiseaux:

21 June 2021: trente oiseaux stops selling/shipping CDs until further notice.

Bernhard ( both CEO and staff at trente oiseaux ) has, after a pandemic-induced joblessness lasting roughly 11 months, found a new job paying for his rent and various other needs. The downside to this really good news is that he is working extremely long hours, and therefore lacking the time to fulfill CD orders.

Payments and taxes:

Payments are made by means of Paypal - a Paypal account is not required, however. Trente oiseaux is owned and run by Bernhard Günter, who is registered with the German Tax and Revenue Service as a 'small entrepreneur' (Kleinunternehmer) according to § 19 UStG and therefore exempt of charging the German VAT.  All prices quoted on the trente oiseaux websites are thus net prices. 


Creative Commons License

All works offered for sale on our website are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. If you wish to use any of the works for commercial purposes or the creation of derivative work, please get in touch with us.